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Frequently asked questions
What is Giftpro's pricing?
How many vouchers should I expect to sell?
How many gift vouchers can I sell on my store?
Which currencies does Giftpro accept?
What happens to unredeemed vouchers?
What payment methods can my customers use?
Can I create promo codes and offer discounts?
Why do we recommend a delayed validity period?
Shouldn’t I get my web designers to build this for me?
How do customers redeem their gift voucher?
How do I refund a customer?
Can I sell gift vouchers on site through Giftpro?
How do I login to Giftpro?
Who does the fulfilment of postal orders?
How do I integrate my gift voucher store with my website?
What delivery methods can I offer?
How do I receive the funds from my gift voucher sales?