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How to Create a Single Event
How to Create a Single Event

In this guide, you'll learn how to create an event with a single occurence and the tickets for that event.

Eve Bolan avatar
Written by Eve Bolan
Updated over 4 months ago

In this guide, you’ll learn how to create a Single Event for one-off performances and tickets for that event.

Before you begin, it's a good idea to prepare the image to be added to your gift voucher. This image needs to be horizontal, measure 1620 pixels by 900 pixels, and have a maximum file size of 15 Mb.

Single Events are ideal for one-off performances, where the event occurs on one night only. First, you need to create your Event, and then you can make the tickets. 

1. From the Dashboard, click Events on the left-hand menu:

2. Then you need to click All Events on the sub menu:

3. Click Create Event button in the top right-hand corner:

4. Add the name of your Event into the field provided, and ensure your name is selected in the Event Manager drop-down field:

5. Tick the box for Single Occurrence and then click the calendar symbols in the Start and End Date fields to add the date of your single event:

Display Event Date On Store

6. Choose from the dropdown menu here as to how the event date and time are displayed before selecting the Start and End time for the event by clicking the clock symbols in the relevant fields:

7. Scroll further down to select the Status of your Event:

  • Draft - The Event will be created, but tickets will not be available for sale until published.

  • Live - The Event will be live, and the tickets will be ready for purchase.

  • Scheduled - The Event will be published on a given time and date.

8. When you have selected the Status of your Event, you will need to set the Visibility:

  • Public - This will make the Event visible on your online store so that customers can add tickets to their baskets. You can also add tickets to your customers' baskets internally.

  • Direct Link - You will use this option if you need to send details of the Event to a single customer, an exclusive guest list, or add it to a newsletter. Direct Link Events are not visible to everyone, or displayed on the online store.

9. Now, it’s time to upload an image for your Eveny. Click the Upload button and select the relevant file from your computer:

10. When you have you have uploaded your image, you’ll see a preview of it:

It’s a good idea not to use an image with any text, as this image will be minimised or maximised according to the browser your customer uses, such as a mobile phone, tablet, or laptop. Also, if you need a generic image for your Event, websites such as and are good places to source royalty-free images.


11. You’ll need to add some descriptive information to ensure your customers understand what your Event involves. We recommend keeping it simple and making sure you describe all of the USPs (Unique Selling Points) associated with your Event. This is your main piece of sales copy, so make it as compelling as possible. Around 180 words is an optimum length. You’ll see a few formatting tools above the main field, so consider using them to make your description easy to read:

Terms & Conditions

12. Copy and paste your Terms & conditions into the provided field. You’ll see a few formatting tools above the main field, so consider using them to make your text easy to read:

Additional Information

13. Tick the box to add in any Additional Information:

14. This will reveal two fields - one for the text displayed on the Button and one for the actual content itself. You’ll see a few formatting tools above the main field, so consider using them to make your text easy to read:


15. For each Event, there is an individual enquiry form. If you want to change where enquiries for that specific Event go, simply enter the relevant email addresses separated by commas. If you leave this blank, enquiries will go to your store’s default email address:

  • Addition Contact Form Email Recipients - Suppose a customer uses the 'Ask A Question' button on the product page. In that case, you can add additional email addresses here of people you wish to receive a copy of the enquiry who aren't set up by default to receive enquiries.

  • Additional Order Confirmation Email CC Recipients - You can add email addresses here so people can receive a copy of the order confirmation email, which is not set up by default to receive email confirmations.

  • Phone Number Displayed - You can set a different phone number to be displayed on this product page instead of the default number for your store.


16. The last element on this page is where you can configure the SEO for your Event:


17. The permalink is the URL extension that appears in the browser. It’s also the link to send people directly to the voucher page, I.e. ‘’.

Meta Title

18. In search engine results, this is the title of the page that would be displayed as blue text:

19. This ideally needs to display your shop name, location (if applicable), and Event name:

Meta Description

20. In search engine results, this is the grey text that resides under the blue Meta Title and usually consists of a summary detailing the information to be found on that page:

21. The quickest way to populate this area is to choose a paragraph from your Description field further up the page:

22. Now you have populated this page with all of the information required for your Single Event, you need to click the green Save & Continue button in the top right-hand corner:

Creating Tickets for your Event

1. On this next page, you need to configure the tickets for the Event itself. Click Create Your First Ticket Type:

2. You’ll then see this modal appear:

Ticket Type Name

3. Give your ticket type a name that makes sense to your customer. We recommend describing the ticket as simply as possible, such as ‘General admission' or 'Family pass.'


4. Here, you can set the value of the ticket type you are creating. This is the price your customer will see on your store.


5. This is the total number of tickets that you have available to sell.


  • Published - The ticket will go live on your event page and be available to purchase by your customers.

  • Scheduled - Here you can set an 'On sale from date' and a 'Stop selling on date'. Your ticket won't go live until the on-sale date and will automatically disappear from your store on the stop date.

  • Draft - If you wish to save the ticket you're creating but do not wish for it to be published onto your store just yet, then simply select draft before saving.


  • Public - The ticket is listed on the event page and visible to all visitors.

  • Direct Link - This feature allows you to keep a ticket type hidden from the event page unless it is accessed by a special URL. Useful if you're looking to offer VIP customers exclusive access to a special ticket type.

​Add a description to this ticket type (optional)

6. Tick the box here:

7. Which will reveal fields for you to complete. Let your customers know what they can expect to receive when purchasing a particular ticket type.

Add PDF ticket content

8. Tick the box here to reveal a field and formatting tools you can use to provide your customers with additional information in PDF format:

Set Limit quantity per order

9. Tick the box here to reveal the field where you can restrict the number of tickets one customer can purchase at any time. Using this feature can help reduce ticket resale:

Set a minimum number per order

10. Click this box to reveal a field for you to add in a minimum number of tickets that must be purchased:

Request additional information in the checkout flow

11. Tick this box to reveal two fields. One for the button text and a second for the information that can be collected. These can be edited, but you do need to click Save Ticket Type beforehand:

12. You’ll then be redirected to this page, summarising the details of your Event. You can add another ticket type if appropriate for your Event or scroll further down the page:

Ticket Limit Options

13. Tick the box here to reveal the field:


14. Once tickets are sold out, the waitlist allows customers to enter their email addresses on a waitlist, which you can then use to notify them if stock becomes available. Tick the box here to reveal the field:

Time to respond

15. The number of minutes each recipient has to buy tickets before the next person on the waitlist is emailed. This can be useful to create a sense of urgency around the availability and also gives other customers a chance to purchase tickets should the first recipient no longer wish to buy tickets.

Ticket quantity prompt

16. To create a sense of urgency, you can display a message on the event page alerting the customer of the number of remaining tickets. Tick the box here to reveal the fields:

17. This is where you can amend the prompt text. To change it from the default text, simply write your new text in the input fields and check that you are happy with the preview displayed below.

When you have finished configuring these settings, scroll to the top of the page and click the blue Save & Continue button on the right-hand side:

Need more help?

Talk to our support team via live chat or call us on 02381 290555 (Mondays - Thursdays: 9am - 5.30pm, Fridays: 9am - 4.30pm). You can also contact us using For more guidance and advice, go back to the Help Centre.

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