Integrating Dotdigital
Tim Kirtley avatar
Written by Tim Kirtley
Updated over a week ago

Setting up your API user

To get started using Dotdigtial’s API, you will need to create an API user. These API user credentials (username/password) are required to authenticate each operation/method call you make and to make sure you are connected to the correct account. Setting one up is easy and can be done using the steps below:

1. Login to dotdigital

2. Click on the person-and-cog icon in the bottom left corner to produce the settings menu and select Access

3. Select the API users tab (unless you’re already in it)

4. Click on New user

5. The username (email address) is automatically generated for you and must not be edited

6. You can add a description to differentiate between API users, which is useful if you have multiple ones. We’d suggest something like ‘GiftPro’

7. Enter a password and confirm it

8. Check the ‘Enabled’ box is ticked

9. Click Save

Can’t create an API user? Only the owner of your account (or a user with the ‘Can manage account’ permission) can add API users. If you can’t complete the process above, or if some of the options don’t appear to you, then contact your account owner.

This information was taken from Dotdigital’s website here.

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