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How to Create a Promotional Code
How to Create a Promotional Code

Here, you’ll learn how to create a promotional code that your customers can add at the checkout to receive a discount on their order.

Eve Bolan avatar
Written by Eve Bolan
Updated over 4 months ago

In this guide, you’ll learn how to create a promotional code that your customers can add at the checkout to receive a discount on their order.

1. From the Dashboard, click Gifts on the left-hand menu:

2. Then you need to click Promo Codes:

3. Click Create Code in the top right-hand corner:

4. Now, you need to complete the fields provided:

  • Property - You won’t need to edit this field if you can only access one property. If you can access more than one, select the property to which your promo code relates.

  • Name - This is the title of your promo code. We recommend naming it after your campaign, such as ‘Christmas 10% campaign’. The name is only seen in the admin area.

  • Code - This is the code your customers will enter to receive their discount in the checkout process, such as ‘XMAS10’. We recommend only using alphanumeric characters and avoiding special characters for your code.

When creating your promo codes, make them difficult to guess - some shoppers will experiment with codes on the off chance they can trigger a discount! You must use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS when creating a promo code but try to incorporate random numbers there, too, making your promo codes more difficult to guess.

  • Status - This is simply the status of the promo code: Choose live or inactive. The promo code entry box won’t appear in the checkout process if you have no live codes running.

  • Type - Here, you can use the drop-down to select Percentage or Fixed Amount Per Product.

  • Amount - After you have set the Type, you need to set the percentage or amount off in this field.

5. When you have finished completing this element, it should look something like this:

6. Scroll further down this page, and you’ll see the Settings element:

  • Restrict By Date Or Time - If you’d like your promo code only to be accepted during a specific period, tick this box, select a start and end date/time, and click ‘Apply.’

  • Restrict By Product - If you’d like your promo code to apply only to specific products, tick this box and select the vouchers it applies to. Once selected, the voucher will appear on the right-hand side. You can remove a voucher from the selected list by clicking on it. This can be used alongside the Restrict by basket total if you wish to restrict by a product and a total spend.

  • Restrict By Usage - Tick this box if you’d like to limit the number of vouchers that can be sold using this promo code.

  • Restrict By Basket Total - Tick this box if you'd like to restrict the use of a promo code in line with the basket total. Simply input the minimum basket total and click save.

  • Offline Order Use Only - Tick this box if you’d like the promo code to be used for offline orders only. An offline order is one placed by your staff while logged in to the admin area.

7. Now you need to click the Save Changes button in the top right-hand corner:

Remember, if you have set your promo code to go live at a set time, it won’t be usable until then.

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